Photograph courtesy of carer, Sue, who enjoyed a break in The Lake District.
Respitality Scotland aims to connect local organisations that support unpaid carers with hospitality and leisure providers, such as hotels, leisure clubs, activity centres etc. The Borders Carers Centre have signed up as Respitality Delivery Partner in partnership with Shared Care Scotland. Respitality is a form of respite for carers. There will be various options in terms of what is available from an overnight stay in a hotel, and afternoon tea, a round of golf, a spa treatment and much more. We rely on the generosity of local businesses who donate the gifts. If you are a local business, and you are interested in making a Respitality donation to benefit local unpaid carers, please contact us. Generally, these ‘gifts’ are offered in the quieter season (late Autumn and early Winter) where there is capacity. This enables a carer plus a companion to have a break away from their caring responsibilities to recharge their batteries and have a little time for themselves. Speak to your Carer Liaison Worker if you are interested in knowing more. |
Other ways to access short breaks and respite can be seen here.