The Carers Support Plan
The Carers (Scotland) Act 2016 entitles all carers to a support plan in their own right.
This means that all carers can now ask for their own needs to be assessed in relation to the person that they care for. A carer has the right to have this, even if the person they are caring for does not wish support for themselves.
The charter will help carers understand their rights under the Carers (Scotland) Act 2016. See more about the Act, and what it means for you here.
The Borders Carers Centre are commissioned by the Health and Social Care Partnership to carry out the Carers Support Plan, which opens the door to support and assistance in your caring role.
More about the Carers Support Plan
A chance to have a chat with a Carers Liaison Worker about your caring role and how it impacts on you.
It will help you identify your own needs and make decisions, as well as looking at the help and support you may need to enable you to continue caring, if this is what you choose to do.
• The nature and extent of the care you provide, and how this impacts on your wellbeing.
• How willing and able you are to provide care.
• Emergency card and planning.
• Future care planning.
• Information about the support that will be provided to meet your identified needs.
• Whether your support should include a short break from caring /planned regular breaks from caring.
• When the plan should be reviewed
You can get a Carers Support Plan by contacting the Borders Carers Centre directly. Referrals are also made to the Carers Centre through Health & Social Care and other agencies. You may also self refer here.
You will not have to pay for any services provided by the Carers Centre.
The Carers Support Plan will identify areas where you may benefit from some support or assistance. This may be assistance to apply for extra funds, essential aids and equipment, a holiday, respite, a referral on to other services or a benefits check. You will also be given plenty of emotional and practical support and advice, as well as access to peer support groups, days out and special events. In short, whatever you need to support you in your caring role.
I wish I had been referred to for a Carer Support Plan much sooner, I had no idea how much the carers centre was able to help

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Connect with us today to discover the support and resources available at Border Carers Centre.